Cine 160

Cine 160 is a 35 mm film projection process proposed by Allan Silliphant whereby a single frame of film would occupy a length of six film perforations. This could then be used for either of two currently proposed applications: 3-D film projection from two images each occupying 3 perforations (thus attaining a 1.85 aspect ratio already in common use), or making anamorphically squeezed prints of 1.85 ratio films, which would use a greater amount of image area. The system is named Cine 160 because the six-perf frame uses 1.60 times the area of a conventional print. This system has not yet received any mainstream application, however, and it is unknown how receptive theater owners will be to the prospect, which will require significant expenses to re-fit projectors to the format.

Claimed benefits

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